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New Videos up on Channel 9: WPF with C++ and WCF RIA Services

Pete Brown - 15 March 2010

I recently published two new interview videos on Channel 9, both with product team folks here at Microsoft. You'll also see that I've redone the video overlays to bring them in line with my site theme. Love it? Hate it? Let me know.

Henry Sowizral

The first is with Henry Sowizral. Henry and I chat about what it takes to take a real application, with tons of legacy C, C++ and even assembly code, and reface that using WPF. Expression Design was original Creature House Expression, acquired by Microsoft and brought up to UI par with the rest of the suite by Henry and friends.


Visual Studio 2010 is the most famous use of WPF with a C++ back-end. If you're looking to do projects like that, now you have another reference implementation.

Jeff Handley

The second video is with Jeff Handley. Jeff is a member of the WCF RIA Services team. Jeff and I chat a bit about some of the upcoming changes, including the move to INotifyDataErrorInfo in the next rev of WCF RIA Services and Silverlight 4. Jeff also talks about the role of the community in developing WCF RIA Services.


Jeff is always a fun guy to chat with. I hope you enjoy the talk and learn a little about the upcoming drops of RIA Services. Oh, and popcorn :)


I have another video coming, but we'll need to wait for the MIX10 keynote to finish up before it goes live. Watch my twitter stream for more info.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, March 15, 2010
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