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WPF: Now with Less Fuzz

Pete Brown - 06 March 2010


The WPF Text team has been really busy this release. Not only did we have the huge text improvements early on from the complete rewrite to a DirectWrite-based text stack, but now they've tweaked the WPF text rendering to be even better, especially on high-contrast light-on-dark scenarios.

Can you tell the difference between the GDI VS2008 text rendering and the new WPF GDI-compatible text rendering? I can't. More importantly, the text is superb for reading.

In previous versions of WPF, the number one complaint I heard from my customers was about text rendering. The team really took those issues to heart for this release and have done some amazing work. This is just icing on that cake. I'm pretty psyched that these enhancements made it in before RTM.

See the Text Team's blog post here

Great job!

(Yes, those are fuzzy d-20s. epic decoration for your nerd-mobile.)

posted by Pete Brown on Saturday, March 6, 2010
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