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My First Windows C++ Application in Ages: Hello World in Win32 with Visual C++ 2010

Pete Brown - 04 March 2010

The last time I wrote C++ code that ran on Windows, the compiler came in a box that looked like this:


(interesting in buying that? This person has it for sale)

No, it didn't cost $49.95, that was just a special offer on an add-on. I seem to recall it was more like $700. Yes, the box was enormous. It weighed almost 25 pounds. It was full of printed paper manuals. Oh, and you needed room for all those 3.5" and 5.25" floppies. Oh, but it looks so impressive occupying that overhead shelf in your cube. If I wasn't the only dev in the whole company, I'm sure other devs would have come by to give worship to the awesome box that housed the pre-standardized C++ compiler considered the best of its day.

The Windows compiler and IDE would crawl on the average dev machine of the day (and even on my awesome 8mb 486 beast). The Object Windows Library (OWL) was pretty huge too, and apps written with it had pretty hefty requirements, not to mention interesting textured dialogs and huge chunky buttons.


As it turned out, most of the apps I would write with that compiler would be built as DOS apps anyway, like the screenshot below (except less compressed and on a nicely rounded 14" CRT), since most of the old PCs in our office had a hard time with the Windows 3.1 system requirements even without all the cool 3d additions.


After that, I discovered dBase, Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, Delphi, Foxpro and all sorts of other dev products that were less work to use to create business apps on a deadline. Oh, I still loved my C++. I'd use it to write int21h handlers, do DOS graphics, and other fun stuff at home. While I did dabble later with things like writing the basics of a MUD for Linux in gnu C++, after 1993 or so, I'd never actually get paid to write C++ again.

Until now, that is :)

So, let's walk together through our first 32-bit C++ app. C++ gurus are encouraged to leave comments telling me how to fix any horrible mistakes or worst practices I may have included in here.

If you've never used C++, I encourage you to check out the C++ Beginner's Guide on MSDN.


Getting Started with Visual C++ 2010 - Win32 Style

I decided to go with Win32 for my first example. The other primary in-box option is MFC.WTL (Windows Template Library) is also a popular choice. You can find more information about it in the WTL MSDN article here.

Upon creating the project in Visual Studio 2010, I was presented with the Win32 Application Wizard. The wizard walks you through the project setup, providing options for Windows app, Console app, DLL, or Static library projects.

image image

Once you complete that short wizard, you'll get the full project with all the files you'll need, including the main cpp file (PeteBrown.Win32Sample.cpp in this case)



If you've never seen C++ before, but are used to C#, you'll recognize some things and be complete baffled by others. The first and major difference to realize is that C++ breaks class definitions and code into two separate files: a header file for the definition and a cpp file for the implementation.

The reason for the split is that, unlike C#, C++ (like many languages from that era) requires that the definition of a function or class or variable be located above its actual use. Back in the days of C and Pascal, this helped keep compiler sizes small as they didn't need to make multiple passes through the source. As machines grew beefier, however, this standard has been dropped in favor of a friendlier implementation=definition approach like we see with VB and C#. No header files with function/class prototypes required.

The vast majority of the language syntax itself will be clear to C# developers, especially if you've done any unsafe code.

The other thing you'll notice is there's a lot of code. Compared to working in .NET, C++ with Win32 requires a fair bit of ceremony just to get an app up and running. That's hardly fair for me to point out, though, as we're programming here at about as close to the Windows "metal" as you can get. If you want less baggage, that's where WTL and MFC come in.

The final thing you may notice is that the code is...not C++. While housed in a .cpp file, the code provided to kickstart your app is plain old C. Other code you create should be C++.

Main Entry Point

The main entry point in a Visual C++ 2010 Win32 project is _tWinMain.

int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)


_tWinMain was new to me. Examples I've seen in the past had WINAPI as the macro and WinMain as the function. Presumably this is something that changed just in the latest release of the templates. I was curious, so I used the right-click menu to find the defintion of APIENTRY.


Ok, no real difference there :)

The parameters are a combination of the types of things you'd get in standard C along with windows-specific stuff

hInstance Handle to the current instance of the application
hPrevInstance Handle to the previous instance. If you only want to allow one copy of your app to run, you'll activate this and end the one being spun up
lpCmdLine Full command line, similar to a flattened combination of argv we'd get in straight C apps
nCmdShow This tells the app how to display the window. There are a bunch of constants that come into play here including SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_SHOW

I'm not going to do anything with these parameters in this Hello World app, but you almost certainly will use them in an app of even moderate complexity. For more information, see the MSDN docs on the WinMain function.

The other thing I found puzzling was this block of code:


I wondered what those macros were doing. As usual, I just right-clicked and viewed the definitions. As it turns out, these are just to eliminate compiler warnings when you are early in your development. The language made it sound like they should probably be removed once you get further along in development.

First Run

Curious to see what the templates give you out of the box, I ran the application. You actually get a pretty decent shell for a typical menu-driven Windows application.


The menus are File->Exit and Help->About. If you click About, you get a nice little generic About dialog. Hmm. Need to do something about that button and background color, though.


Ok, still keeping this at the simple "Hello World" level, there are a couple things I want to do.

  1. Add "Hello World" to our main window.
  2. Change the window background color


Adding "Hello World" to the main window: WndProc and WM_PAINT

The heart of a Windows program is the WndProc function. Even developers in managed code have sometimes had to implement this to hook low-level Windows messages to do something otherwise unsupported by the platform.

    int wmId, wmEvent;
    HDC hdc;

    switch (message)
    case WM_PAINT:
        hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
          // TODO: Add any drawing code here...

        EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);


I've shown the first few lines of WndProc above. The message we're interested in is WM_PAINT, sent each time the window needs to paint itself or a portion of itself. Unlike higher-level systems like WPF, the standard Windows drawing system is not a retained-mode system. That means, each time you are asked to update your display, you have to paint it fresh. Folks who have worked in Windows Forms are used to this as we used this approach to override the Paint methods to provide GDI+ gradients and more interesting UI.

If we want to put some text on the screen, and aren't playing with something like DirectWrite, we'll need to use the TextOut function. Here's the declaration for TextOut:


#ifdef UNICODE
#define TextOut  TextOutW
#define TextOut  TextOutA
#endif // !UNICODE


__gdi_entry WINGDIAPI BOOL  WINAPI TextOutW( __in HDC hdc, 
                __in int x, __in int y, 
                __in_ecount(c) LPCWSTR lpString, 
                __in int c);

First, you'll see that the declaration for TextOut is different if you're on Unicode (wide) vs. ASCII. We're all on unicode systems these days, so I included TextOutW here. The parameters are:

hdc The handle to the device context. In GDI, a device context is something you can paint on.
x X position to draw at *
y Y position to draw at *
lpString Pointer to the string to draw
c Count of characters in the string.

* Note "to draw at" x and y positions vary in interpretation based on other function calls. See MSDN here.

I then added the function call into the WM_PAINT case in WndProc, like this:

case WM_PAINT:
    hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
    // TODO: Add any drawing code here...
    TextOut(hdc, 100, 100, helloWorld, _tcslen(helloWorld));

    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);


Note that the declaration for helloWorld is not inline there. I originally had it right before the TextOut, but C++ doesn't care to have you declare variables inside case statements; they're not scoped like they are in C#. So, up above the switch statement it went:

TCHAR helloWorld[] = _T("Hello World!");

switch (message)

TCHAR is the type you'll usually use for declaring a constant/literal string (array of characters) in code. Similarly, the _T macro is used to wrap the string. I've always seen it done this way, but I can't for the life of me decipher what _T actually does. The macro definition doesn't provide much insight:


/* Generic text macros to be used with string literals and character constants.
   Will also allow symbolic constants that resolve to same. */

#define _T(x)       __T(x)
#define _TEXT(x)    __T(x)


#define __T(x)      L ## x


If I remember correctly "##" concatenates two things, so the ending string would be L"Hello World!". Perhaps the L is for long pointer or something? I don't recall.

Once you run the app, you'll see some seriously old-school aliased text on your window.


To do better than that, you'll need to hit up DirectWrite and/or ClearType. There's a great set of samples in the Windows SDK that will help you get started using those technologies.

The next thing we'll do is change the background color.

Changing the Background Color

Next "Hello World"-level challenge: change the background color for the main window. By default, it uses a standard brush that is pre-set to hold the system color for a window. It's defined in WinUser.h along with the other system colors:

#define COLOR_SCROLLBAR         0
#define COLOR_BACKGROUND        1
#define COLOR_MENU              4
#define COLOR_WINDOW            5
#define COLOR_WINDOWFRAME       6
#define COLOR_MENUTEXT          7
#define COLOR_WINDOWTEXT        8
#define COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT       9
#define COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER      10
#define COLOR_APPWORKSPACE      12
#define COLOR_HIGHLIGHT         13
#define COLOR_BTNFACE           15
#define COLOR_BTNSHADOW         16
#define COLOR_GRAYTEXT          17
#define COLOR_BTNTEXT           18
#define COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT      20

#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
#define COLOR_3DDKSHADOW        21
#define COLOR_3DLIGHT           22
#define COLOR_INFOTEXT          23
#define COLOR_INFOBK            24
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
#define COLOR_HOTLIGHT          26
#if(WINVER >= 0x0501)
#define COLOR_MENUHILIGHT       29
#define COLOR_MENUBAR           30
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0501 */
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0500 */

#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
#define COLOR_3DFACE            COLOR_BTNFACE
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

I've included the full list here just because it's interesting to see the real underlying definitions of all the default Windows colors. We've used these in WPF (and in Silverlight 4) through other enumerations, but in the end, it comes down to these brush handles.

There are a few other stock brushes we can use. For the first background color, let's pick one of those. Go into the MyRegisterClass function and modify the properties of the WNDCLASSEX window and set hbrBackground like so:

    //wcex.hbrBackground    = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
    wcex.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);

That will give us a light gray background:


Notice how our text is still on a white background. The WM_PAINT code that spit out the Hello World! text needs to also paint the area behind the text with the correct background color. In this case, it was painted white, but we want it to be gray. Before we do that, though, let's create a new brush from scratch and use that for the window background.

The first thing I did was declare the background brush in PeteBrown.Win32Sample.h. That way it was accessible everywhere:

HBRUSH windowBackgroundBrush;
COLORREF windowBackgroundColor;

(I know, it should be hWindowBackgroundBrush or similar, but I can't get over my aversion to Hungarian Notation <g>)

The next thing I did was put the creation/allocation code inside _tWndMain in the spot where the template indicates to put new code. Yes, I picked Salmon just for Rick Barraza, on the off chance he's reading about Win32 :)


 // TODO: Place code here.
MSG msg;
HACCEL hAccelTable;

windowBackgroundColor = RGB(0xfa, 0x80, 0x72);
windowBackgroundBrush = CreateSolidBrush(windowBackgroundColor);

// Initialize global strings
LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING);
LoadString(hInstance, IDC_PETEBROWNWIN32SAMPLE, szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING);

Next, I used that inside the MyRegisterClass function and assigned hbrBackground to it.

//wcex.hbrBackground    = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
//wcex.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);
wcex.hbrBackground  = windowBackgroundBrush;

To be a good citizen, I delete the brush inside WM_DESTROY in WndProc. If this code were real C++, I'd probably do that in a destructor. Either way, keep in mind that handles are a finite resource in Windows. Back in the day when I did a lot more GDI work, running out of handles was a big problem.

Finally, let's fix that background color behind the Text in the window. That's easier than I thought. You simply need to call the SetBkColor function before you draw the text. SetBkColor is why I broke the brush definition up into a separate COLORREF and HBRUSH.

case WM_PAINT:
    hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
    // TODO: Add any drawing code here...
    SetBkColor(hdc, windowBackgroundColor);
    TextOut(hdc, 100, 100, helloWorld, _tcslen(helloWorld));

    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);


Run it and we have a beautiful salmon-colored window with some standard text in the middle.



There you go, "Hello World" in Win32.

I was going to do some menu and dialog customization, but I think I'll save those for the MFC "Hello World". Until then, here's to your Salmon-colored Windows Applications :)

posted by Pete Brown on Thursday, March 4, 2010
filed under:        

24 comments for “My First Windows C++ Application in Ages: Hello World in Win32 with Visual C++ 2010”

  1. Robertsays:
    I remember Borland C++ and OWL .... I wrote some C++ last year, playing with the VC++ Feature Pack ... remembered why I now do C# as opposed to C++.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane ...
  2. John Schroedlsays:
    Nice! I loved the borland packaging!

    How about a "My First Windows C++/CLI Application" post? One where you start crying b/c you can't use XAML. Then you cry more b/c you cannot derive a ref class from a C#-based XAML class (where's that WPF voting site again?)

    Seriously, C++/CLI isn't too bad for those of us w/ legacy C++ code to integrate. Heck, it's really not that much code to create hello world there.

    Keep up the great posts.

  3. Petesays:

    I think I still have QuickBasic (the $495 DOS basic language, not the freebie) around here somewhere. It was pretty close to VB/DOS. Right above my monitor is a VB3 box with unopened disks. Nothing older hanging around, though. Wish I kept Delphi 1.0 and the first revs of Paradox and Turbo Pascal :)

    Hmm. Really need to implement "remember me" on this blog commenting system.
  4. Srdjansays:
    All _T() macro does is prepends L in front of literal string to make it unicode. Last time I did native Win32 application, I was not using them, but straight wide char equivalents:

    Instead of TCHAR, use wchar_t (standard C++)
    Instead of _T(""), use L""
    Instead of LPTSTR, use wchar_t *
    Instead of LPCTSTR, use const wchar_t *

  5. Tim Sneathsays:
    Goodness - I remember buying that Borland box on academic discount from the university. I got the box and realized I had to get it back to my home by bike...! I think in those days there was the presumption that people chose their C++ compiler based on the number of manuals that came with it...
  6. Petesays:

    Great info, thanks.


    I don't recall if I got a student discount or not, but I was in college at the time. I remember that was the most expensive software I owned to that point. My employer at the time said developers should be like carpenters and bring their own tools, so Borland C++, Delphi, PowerBuilder, VB3/4, FoxPro 2.6, dBase IV were all purchases I had to make myself. I was the only dev there, so I didn't know any better. At least they provided a decent machine...

    Box size was a big deal back then. All the pro-level software came in a box that was at least 6" thick. Less than that and you knew it was kid stuff :)
  7. Svensays:
    Actually, there is a different between _T("") and L"". The _T("") macro expands to L"" if UNICODE is defined, and simply to "" if it is not. Similarly, TCHAR expands to wchar_t with UNICODE, and char without. LPTSTR is wchar_t* with UNICODE, and char* without.

    In other words, these macros and typedefs allow you to write code that targets both ANSI and UNICODE. This is really only important if you intend to target Windows 9x (and intend to have different binaries for 9x and NT), because 9x doesn't have unicode versions of the Win32 APIs. If you're not going to target 9x I recommend just going UNICODE only and use L"" and wchar_t like Srdjan suggested (and even if you did want to target 9x, I would suggest still going UNICODE only and using the Microsoft Layer for Unicode).

    There's nothing really wrong with using the Win32 typedefs. You might as well use LPTSTR (or LPWSTR if you want to be specifically unicode) if you're writing Win32 code, you're going to have to deal with those types anyway. And in some cases, you pretty much have to use the typedefs. Sure, LPWSTR is always wchar_t*, and DWORD is always an unsigned int (on any current Windows platform; Win16 is a different story).

    But e.g. LPARAM expands to an int on Win32 and an __int64 on Win64, and there are other cases like that. So in some cases you'd better stick to the typedefs if you intend to port your code to 64 bit.

    And please, continue not using Hungarian. Hungarian is dead. Even in C++ it doesn't really have any place anymore, no matter what the MSDN samples might want to tell you.

    I'd also be wary of the C-style approach that seems common in Win32. Real C++ uses classes, and exceptions, and RAII. And no, that doesn't necessarily mean you have to use MFC and ATL either (although both of those can be useful, I don't particularly like how they depend on vast quantities of code generated by wizards in VC++).
  8. acsays:
    Could you do second part (more elaborate hello world) with WTL?

    "If you had asked me two years ago which development tool I'd use to create full-featured client-side applications, I would have told you I'd use MFC. However, even given the loss of some of the features provided by MFC, today I'd use WTL to create professional client applications."

  9. beatlesays:
    Hey Pete,

    You can define the string inside the case statement, you just have to use curly brackets to provide a scope, like this:

    case WM_PAINT:
    hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
    TCHAR helloWorld[] = _T("Hello World!");
    TextOut(hdc, 100, 100, helloWorld, _tcslen(helloWorld));
    EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);

  10. Petesays:

    Thanks. Forgot I could just scope it like that. I've had my head in C# for too long :)


    I'm going to do MFC. I'll consider WTL, but I was surprised to see it hasn't been updated since 2007. I wonder how well it supports Windows 7 and Visual C++ 2010?


    Cool, thanks.



  11. Christian Mogensensays:
    WTL was open-sourced several years ago. The latest and greatest code can be found on SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wtl/develop/

    There is still activity and active use of WTL - the discussion group on Yahoo is far from deceased.
  12. pHILsays:
    I remember the first Visual C++ release. The box was a foot and a half long and filled with manuals. God I miss manuals! I don't think I've ever learned as well as when I would read function and class library references cover to cover.
  13. Harlowsays:
    Nice trip down memory lane, but let's face it, the sample application shown here could be done with around ZERO lines of code in C#. How about posting an example of something that would actually benefit, or even require using C++? (Is there such a thing anymore?)
  14. Praseed Paisays:
    Hi Pete ,
    The educational value of C++ is great. The other day , i took a presentation on how one can convert

    int Add( int a , int b ) { return a + b ; } into

    extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall Add(int a , int b ) { return a+b; } to be exported from a DLL. I got a great standing ovation. With this simple program , i could explain extern "C" , exporting of functions , calling convention , Microsoft name mangling , Module definition file , Static linking of DLL , Dynamic Linking of DLL as well.

    The other day , i found out that we can use WineLib to write Linux applications using Win API . Pls. check
    my blog entry @http://praseedp.blogspot.com/search/label/WineLib

    I purchased Windows via C++ by jeffrey ritcher yesterday and it was amusing to read it as well.

    Praseed Pai
  15. jonsays:
    Hey thanks for this great tutuorial. its been a pleasure to follow along and actually have stuff work just as its typed.

    On a slight diversion, what's the story with the .ico file? I double click on it it brings up paint, but any changes I make to it get written back to it as a bmp file and not the original ico file. If I open the ico file with a ico image editor, I can see it it multi layered, 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, etc, and if I change the file and save it back, VS 2010 complains that its not a "bmp" file? what am doing wrong?



  16. Sebastian Ledesmasays:

    I also buyed the Borland C++3.0 and 3.1 with Application Frameworks.
    That big box was heavy to carry, but very usefull, specially the printed manuals.

    OWL has now becomed OWLNext and it's available for any Visual C++, and also C++Buider.
    Check at: http://owlnext.sourceforge.net/

  17. Dan Tohatansays:
    Wow. That brings back memories. I used to have a 50-disk set of Borland C++ 4.02. That's what I started programming with. First with DOS libraries then moved on to OWL.

    By 2002, I had pushed OWL to its limits and now I was using Borland C++ 5.5 (which I think is still the last version) after having gained access to the almighty high-speed Internet.

    Then in 2002 I moved on to Win32 (with VS 6.0) for a while and then went .NET and never looked back.
  18. BlueOcean1stsays:
    Awesome... This Borland C++ was my very first "original"product that I paid.. tons of manual. Quite fast I jumped to the Vistual C++, howevere, Borland C++ mark with fire my future...

  19. Bayryamsays:
    Hello I have a problem,I will open a picture with Visual Studio,when I open it I select this picture with right button of mouse and I will move this picture somewhere on the screen when I left my finger from the right button of the mouse this picture must stay there.How can I do it?

    Thanks a lot!

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