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The Book of WPF

Pete Brown - 10 February 2010

Ever wonder what types of applications people are building in WPF? It can be hard to just stumble across them as they are typically products, or applications behind firewalls.

Luckily, we now have the Book of WPF. The Book is a nicely produced PDF with screen shots and information about each of the apps being showcased.


You’ll find all sorts of applications in there from LOB to CAD to Digital Media, Kiosks OEM software, Surface and more. I wanted to screenshot everything, but you need to just go download the PDF.


This is just a sampling of the WPF applications that are out in the wild. I’ve seen many others that are also great examples of WPF apps. This book will give you a good taste of the possibilities and maybe even a little inspiration.

Kudos to the WPF team and our partners for putting together such great examples of real-world applications using one of my favorite technologies.

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, February 10, 2010
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6 comments for “The Book of WPF”

  1. Dusan Kocureksays:
    The most valuable part of WPF is efficiency of development and easy learning curve. In my opinion they are uncomparable to other technologies.

    I am pretty sure that without WPF is development of project management tool like ScrumDesk (http://www/scrumdesk/com) covering agile management techniques not easy to be done. Thank to WPF we were able to produce the first fully working version just in 2 weeks! That was the biggest surprise to us.

    Agilists prefer nice information radiators, usage of cards and virtual boards. Traditional project managers like to have Excel like tables.

    With the help of WPF it was unbelievable easy and we were able to split design part of the work from development. This possibility improved user experience a lot as we were able to try more concepts at the same time very easy.

    We work with WPF since it appeared. We see lot of improvements helping with a performance (this was a customers' pain to useWPF application) and simplification of development.
  2. Kasimiersays:
    So lovely: POKE 53280,X :-) I remember doing that in stores ages ago. The salespersons were so annoyed, because they didn't know how to revert it, so they had to reboot.

    Best regards,
    Kasimier Buchcik

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by bart_tubalinal: RT @Pete_Brown: Blogged: The Book of WPF http://bit.ly/axAEFE #wpf #awesomeness > Inspiring stuff!
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  3. Community Blogssays:
    This is Windows Client Developer roundup #11. The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates information