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Windows Client Developer Roundup for 1/11/2010

Pete Brown - 11 January 2010

This is Windows Client Developer roundup #6. Ahh, another wonderful binary day: 011110, this time we also have symmetry in the number. So happy “30” everyone!

The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates information of interest to Windows Client (WPF, Surface, Windows 7, XNA, Windows Forms, and some Silverlight) developers. If you have something interesting you’ve done or have run across, please send me the URL and brief description via the contact link on my blog.


Cross-Product (WPF, Silverlight, Surface)



Fun Stuff

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, January 11, 2010
filed under:            

1 comment for “Windows Client Developer Roundup for 1/11/2010”

  1. Richardsays:
    "this time we also have symmetry in the number"

    Only if you're using the highly illogical American date format. Anyone using a more sensible date format will have to wait until November! ;)

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