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More (and Better) Detail on Styling Silverlight Charts

Pete Brown - 10 November 2008

Shortly after the release of the first rev of the Silverlight Toolkit  I made a first attempt at styling the chart controls included in the release.

Shawn Burke just turned me on to this excellent article and flowchart from a member of his team, Mehdi Slaoui Andaloussi. Mehdi went through the same process and put together some real guidance on styling up the charts.

While styling will almost certainly get easier with time and revisions to the controls, the flowchart really breaks down what is otherwise a necessarily complex process with the current release.


posted by Pete Brown on Monday, November 10, 2008
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    In this issue: Matthew Casperson, Mehdi Slaoui Andaloussi, Tim Heuer, Dan Wahlin, Dave Britton, Jordan