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Truth in Advertising

Pete Brown - 04 June 2008

Was looking for hand tools from places other than my usual suppliers (like the always excellent LeeValley) just to look around. Did a search and this sponsored ad came up:


When you get there, this is what is on the front page, above the fold:


You either need a really well-fed hamster to power the motor on that power carver, or they aren't quite living up to their ad.

(it's also amusing that the Yankee Screwdriver is made in Germany heh)

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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2 comments for “Truth in Advertising”

  1. Zusukarsays:
    The Power Carver Kit may be pneumatic running off of compressed air. That would cover it being non-electric, but I still think that would class it as a power tool.
  2. Ben Hayatsays:
    >>or they aren't quite living up to their ad.<<

    A few years ago, I went to a restaurant for lunch (my first time) and towards the end of my meal, the owner came by our table and asked how everything was. I asked him "What days of the week are they open?" and he said: "We are open SEVEN days a week, except MONDAYS" :-) And he said that with a serious face. I'm still confused...

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