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Latest Project - Migration to Graffiti CMS

Pete Brown - 21 April 2008

image While it isn't ready to roll out just yet, I've decided to convert my blog and main site over to Graffiti CMS. The folks at Telligent have put together quite a platform for individual blogging and content management. Despite that, the "CMS" in the product name stands for "Content Made Simple", not "Content Management System". If you've ever used a full-blown CMS, you'll understand why.

The screenshot on the right is the dashboard for Graffiti showing post views and popular postings. (That's not my site theme)

While the product is 1.0, it is powerful as-is and shows some real potential for future versions.

Three things I found particularly interesting in Graffiti:

  • The Chalk markup language
  • The .NET add-in model
  • Supports importing all of my Community-Server-based blog posts from my current site

The combination of these things will allow me to tightly integrate Silverlight content into my site and migrate over to the new platform without a huge hassle. The approach of using a single product will allow me to finally combine my main site and my blog under one roof.

I'm using SQL Server 2005 as the back end for my site, but Graffiti supports the cross-platform portable and x-copy deployable VistaDB product out of the box. BTW, Graffiti also works under Mono :)

Disclosure: After I had made my decision to use this product, I approached Telligent and received an upgrade from the free version for no cost due to my MVP status. There is a free version which doesn't have the same reporting, but supports just about everything else you need.

I'm looking forward to rolling this out. When it gets a little closer to release, I'll post the URL and invite you all for feedback on the new site.

For those of you accessing my site via the RSS feed, the switchover to FeedBurner means you won't have to change a thing.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, April 21, 2008
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4 comments for “Latest Project - Migration to Graffiti CMS”

  1. Gunnarsays:
    Hi Pete,

    I've been exploring Silverlight 2 recently, and I thought I would pull up your blog to see what you say about it. I then found this post about your plan to switch blog engines. I also made the same decision to stop using community server, but I made this decision back when we were both at InPhonic. In my case however, I decided to roll my own, because I just don't want to be hamstrung by a big behemoth again. The first thing I did was write a script to copy my old CS blog entries to my schema. Anyways, I added the URL to this comment. I hope all is well with you and your family.

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