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Important Notice: Change in RSS Feed URL

Pete Brown - 03 April 2008


Effective immediately, I am moving the RSS feed for this blog over to FeedBurner. The new URL for my feed is:


Most decent feedreaders should redirect to that and update the feed URL. If they don't, please plug the new URL in there.

I plan to migrate to a new blogging platform sometime in the near future (I'm considering several right now including SharePoint Community Kit Enhanced Blog Edition and BlogEngine.NET. Subscribing to my feed via the FeedBurner link above will insulate you from any such changes, no matter how often I make them.

If you are interested in subscribing to just the Silverlight content in this blog, the new RSS feed URL is:


Unfortuntately, one of Community Server's many limitations (at least the old version I am currently running) is the inability to support category RSS feeds through an external service like feedburner, so I cannot automatically change those feeds.

This is a one-time change (assuming FeedBurner doesn't tank or munge its service).

If anyone was actually using the Atom feed, email me using the contact form on my blog.

posted by Pete Brown on Thursday, April 3, 2008
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  1. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    While it isn't ready to roll out just yet, I've decided to convert my blog and main site over to Graffiti
  2. Community Blogssays:
    While it isn't ready to roll out just yet, I've decided to convert my blog and main site over