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Monthly Archives:

  • Links from my ReMIX07 Boston Silverlight Talk

    Here are some links from today's ReMIX 07 talk in Boston, and a couple extras that may be of interestSilverlight Community SiteApplied Information SciencesBalloons Demo with Source Code (be sure to read the past posts on it as well, linked via the trackbacks)Silverlight Carbon Calculator Production SiteCarbon Calculator "How We Did it" post at the Microsft SharePoin...

  • I Love the Smell of Bandwidth in the Morning

    I'm at a hotel in Boston, doing some last-minute updates to my Remix07 slide deck. I tried to do these last night, but found it impossible; there wasn't even enough bandwidth for a consistent IM connection. The surest way to completely collapse a hotel's network infrastructure is to host a Microsoft conference there.7:00 in the morning, on the other hand, is a completely different e...