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AVG AntiVirus and 1.1 Alpha Refresh-Friendly VS2008 Beta 2 Project Template

Pete Brown - 04 August 2007

Use this at your own risk. No warranty implied.  

I built this today because the current templates still don't work for people using AVG anti-virus. I no longer use that myself, but I remember what a pain it was.

This zip file fixes two isses. 1. You get the correct 1.1 Alpha Refresh Silverlight.js and related files, 2. you get AVG-friendly file names and 3. I set up SL to take up 100% of the screen by default, and made it very easy to change (note that I left the canvas at 640x480- the default).

Here's how to install:

  1. Install and run VS 2008 Beta 2
  2. Close VS 2008 and install the Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2
  3. Copy the zip file (linked above) over the current Silverlight.zip. On my machine, that is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Silverlight\1033
  4. Open a command window and nav over to the folder that contains devenv.exe. On my machine, that is located in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE
  5. run devenv.exe /installvstemplates to refresh the templates. Wait for your drive to stop churning.
  6. Open VS 2008 and create a new Silverlight project. If you see that the default project name starts with "PMB" then you know you have everything working.

I haven't updated the individual item templates yet (so when you add a new file you'll have issues if you use AVG), or updated the other project types, but this should get you at least started :)


posted by Pete Brown on Saturday, August 4, 2007
filed under:    

12 comments for “AVG AntiVirus and 1.1 Alpha Refresh-Friendly VS2008 Beta 2 Project Template”

  1. naveen kushwahasays:
    <p>hello friend,</p><p>i'm facing a problem when i'm playing my game(.net-c#,silverlight) in full screen</p><p>none of my keys is working at the time of fullscreen</p><p>i'm playing my game on the webBrowser</p><p>only mouse is working there</p><p>is there any solution so that i can play my game with keyboard with fullscreen browser</p><p>thanks</p><p>naveen kushwaha</p>
  2. Pete Brownsays:
    <p>Mos, you left no contact information. </p><p>I said you have to wait until your HD stops churning bevcfore you open Visual Studio back up. You didn't wait long enough. If you want to be extra-sure, open up task manager before you do this, and wait for the process to start and complete.</p><p>To fix: Exit Visual studio and run devenv.exe /installvstemplates again. This time, wait before you open VS back up :)</p><p>That's just the nature of how that command in VS works.</p>
  3. Pete Brownsays:
    Naveen, no, full keyboard support is not available in full-screen mode. MSFT cited security concerns (people could create a full-screen emulation of your desktop and lure you into entering a password).

    I don't really buy that argument, at least as it has been made so far, but that's the reality right now.

    The target for full-screen mode is currently just for video playing. If you want to create a real kiosk-type application that doesn't need to be cross platform (and I know that's not really the case here), use WPF.
  4. mossays:
    got 'em now...

    but where is this Silverlight.zip file? tried making a Hello World TextBlock, but get error message: ErrorCode: 2252, Errortype:ParseEror.


    Page.xaml, line 9 pos 9
  5. Pete Brownsays:
    Mos, hop on over to www.Silverlight.net to ask your questions in the forum there. It's a better medium for support.

    You're having problems that could be related to security, compilation errors, or errors in your xaml.

    Post your question (with code/xaml) in the Programming with .NET Forum.

    The Silverlight.zip file is opened by VS and the files in it used to create the project files when you start a new Silverlight project. (step 6 in the blog entry)

  6. Brett Nielandsays:

    I am getting:

    Error: this template attempted to load an untrusted component 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Silverlight, Version=, Culture=Neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'. For more information on this problem and how to enable this template, please see documentation on Customizing Project Templates.

    Can you give me a hint?

    Thanks for your work,

    nieland AT gmail DOT FOLLOWD BY com
  7. Pete Brownsays:
    Hi Brett

    Did you follow the instructions above, including installing the VS add-in prior to adding my modification? That component should have already been trusted and ready to go.

    Please also note that this blog post and add-in is a bit outdated now. If you are looking for the AVG support (or if anyone else is), let me know and I'll update this to the latest version of Silverlight (it uses an older script which leaves out some options, but otherwise still works).
  8. Brett Nielandsays:
    Since I did not have VS 2005 installed (only 2008) the msi did not install the template. I downloaded yours, created the directory in the

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp

    directory and continued with your install notes.

    Looks like there needs to be some further registration step...
  9. Pete Brownsays:
    The Silverlight template is for VS 2008 Beta 2, and my file just replaces one of the files in that install. VS 2005 doesn't enter into the picture.

    You shouldn't have to create any directories or anything. The Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 Tools for Silverlight install will do that right in VS 2008.

    Then again, I do have both 2008 and 2005 (and 2003, actually) installed here, so if there's a bug in the Microsoft installer that requires VS 2005, I wouldn't have noticed it.

    My template won't work without the Microsoft template. I simply overwrite some files, using the same name so I didn't need to create my own registration and description files.

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