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Project NoSpank

Pete Brown - 06 November 2006

Project NoSpank is a great resource site for those of us who do not think corporal punishment is the way to go with our kids. Some of the stories on that site are truly heartbreaking.

Violence gets passed down from generation to generation, manifesting as physical abuse, mental abuse, that foul temper, coldness, or any number of other more subtle ways. Be the one to put a stop to it so it doesn't get passed down to your kids.

For an interesting read on how to discipline (not just punish) kids without resorting to abuse or over-permissiveness, read Dr. Sears' The Discipline Book. The reviews are only luke-warm, but much of that is because the reader expected more of a discipline cookbook. This book is a set of guidelines and guiding principles.

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, November 6, 2006
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