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Why "Cry it out" is Just Plain Wrong

Pete Brown - 02 March 2006

Well-meaning grandparents and even same-generation friends and co-workers often give very poor child rearing advice. While we are still very new at this, we generally try to follow solid atachment parenting guidelines, including breastfeeding, co-sleeping, responding immediately to cries, etc. It's not always easy (especially the breastfeeding which took a couple weeks of practice for mom and Ben to get the hang of it), but it does always feel right.

Here are some good articles that help debunk the myths, and may even save your child from therapy in the future :-)

Dr. Sears on attachment Parenting http://www.askdrsears.com/html/10/t130300.asp

Sleeping, co-sleeping, scheduling, and crying http://www.mothering.com/articles/new_baby/sleep/fleiss.html

Dads and breastfeeding http://www.kellymom.com/bf/start/prepare/bf-links-father.html

The Shutdown Syndrome https://www.askdrsears.com/html/5/T051200.asp#T051207

10 Reasons not to Hit Your Child https://www.askdrsears.com/html/6/T062100.asp

Comparison of formula and breastmilk https://www.askdrsears.com/html/0/T000100.asp

posted by Pete Brown on Thursday, March 2, 2006
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