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New Baby

Pete Brown - 13 February 2006

The baby came this weekend, followed very shortly by one of the 20 worst storms ever to hit Maryland. It was all a pretty neat experience. I'll post a bit more on it when I get a chance. 

Name: Benjamin Noah Brown
Weight: 7lbs 3oz
Length: 18.8in
DOB: February 11, 2006 12:07pm (40 wks and 3 days)
Born in Annapolis, MD at Anne Arundel Medical Center, delivered by Sue Brown from Bay Area Midwifery

posted by Pete Brown on Monday, February 13, 2006
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2 comments for “New Baby”

  1. Jack Brownsays:
    Congrats on the baby. My first grand child, a beautiful girl, was born on the 15th. The site is exceptional a great job compiling all the WM RY info. The layout entries are few and far between. They will get farther apart now! When my children were babies I rediscovered hand tools for layout building to keep the noise down during naps and in the evenings.


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