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Week 18 - Unecessary Roughness

Pete Brown - 06 September 2005

I guess now is the time we get to practice our sleep deprivation exercises. I don't recall reading that in the manual.

Every morning, the baby (fetus/future person/avocado/whatever you want to call it right now) body checks/kicks/wiggles my wife awake between 4:30 or 5:00. That's probably not the most pleasant way to wake up, especially if the baby manages to boot her in the bladder.

The cats, instantly alert to any possible wakefulness of the food-providing kind (they can hear your eyes open, I swear) then start in their begging, so Melissa goes out to feed them.

Of course, by that time, we're both awake, although I'm usually trying my best to get back to sleep for that last hour and a half before the alarm clock goes off and I need to head off to work.

I guess practice makes perfect :-)

posted by Pete Brown on Tuesday, September 6, 2005
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