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How-to: Name Start Page groups in Windows 8

Pete Brown - 11 November 2012

By default, your Windows 8 Start Page appears as a base group of standard apps, plus a group of desktop apps (if you upgraded) or Office apps (if Surface with Windows RT). Most of us create a number of additional groups beyond those. Those groups are not named for you automatically. Did you know you could name those groups to make organization easier?

Here's how.

On the Start Page, use Semantic Zoom to zoom out and get a higher-level view of your groups. If a touch screen or multi-touch pad, use a pinch gesture to invoke semantic zoom. If using a mouse or older style touch pad, move to the bottom right corner and click the "-" you see next to the scroll bar.


What you'll then see is the zoomed-out view of your start page. Note that semantic zoom works in many apps, like the People app and photos apps.


Right-click to select a group (or pull-down if touch screen). You'll see a checkmark appear on the selected group The app bar should automatically appear, but you can also pull it up by swiping up from the bottom or right-clicking on the page.


Click or tap the "name group" button on the bottom left. In this case, I'm going to name the group "Kids" because it's a set of games and apps for when my kids sit with me in my office.


Repeat for each group you want to name (you don't need to name all of them). Now you have named groups.


posted by Pete Brown on Sunday, November 11, 2012
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