I've had an ongoing battle with mice in my Honda Pilot.
It's not that the car is filthy inside (although any little crumb
will be enough to keep a mouse happy), it's that I live in the
woods with no garage and the car is a nice shelter. Also, since I
telecommute and Melissa's Odyssey is the family car, my car often
sits a week at a time with no movement. For the most part, the mice
we have here are the fat bug-eyed field/wood mice, not the little
gray house mice.
While it's next to impossible for me to cover the entrance holes
in the car (the Pilot has some design flaws that make that
difficult), I could at least tape over the chew holes in the
firewall using furnace tape, and cover the entrance into the blower
they use for nesting.
Once I removed the glove compartment and pulled out the cabin
filter, this is what I saw:

The first picture shows the filter compartment. The AC coil is
in there on the left side, the filter is place through the opening
in the middle. The blower is attached to the right.
So, I lucked out and didn't have a full nest in the blower this
time. While you can't see it in the third picture, unfortunately
the mice did chew the fan blades a little. I was afraid that would
contribute to a lot of fan noise, but so far, it has been as quiet
(or noisy) as usual.
The next step was to cut some metal gutter guard and epoxy it
over the opening that is used to recirculate air inside the car.
You must use metal, and it must have openings no larger than about
1/2" square. Any larger and smaller mice will get in. If plastic,
it will just be chewed through.

So far, so good. I haven't had any mice in the car since I put
that metal in place. Part of that is likely due to the fox in the
woods helping to thin the population, as well as due to hibernation
during the coldest part of winter. I don't expect to continue that
stream of luck, but at least in the future I won't have to remove
my glove compartment and disassemble the blower motor each time
they get in.
I also keep mouse traps in my car (potential theft deterrent as
well <g>) to help deal with them when they do get in.
You can find solutions (and problem descriptions) from other
Pilot owners (and me) in this thread on Piloteers.org.