Just for grins, I thought it would be fun to put together a list
of the games I found most enjoyable or memorable. It should be 20,
but at the end count, it was only 19. :)
I haven't had a chance to play any games in a few years
(coincidentally around the time we started renovating the house and
then the birth of our first child), so there's no Halo or anything
else recent on this list.
I've had this post sitting in Windows Live Writer in drafts for
some time now (months, actually), and have gone back and filled out
details for a game or two in the evenings in between other
pursuits. I hope things brings back some memories for some of you
(especially you 30 and 40-somethings) and introduces others to some
games that were perhaps popular before their time.
So in order heading towards my number 1 favorite game, here's my
rundown of my all-time favorite or most memorable games.
(unless otherwise noted, all screenshots from MobyGames)
#19 The Bard's Tale - Apple II

My Junior High School in Massachusetts (they call them "middle
schools" where I now live - ours did 6, 7 and 8th grade) originally
had DEC VT-180 and Commodore VIC-20s, and later had
Commodore 64s -- in other words, real computers. My high school had
only Apple II (II+, IIe and later a IIgs) and much later-on, Apple
II clones and a single Mac+. They were ok, but they were a far cry
from the full multimedia experience one had with a Commodore 64.
The displays were terrible with lots of magenta shift and blooming.
For doing any real work (like the Pascal class I took in 10th grade
- an early experiment from the math department - Thanks Mrs
Russell!) I actually preferred the amber display as you could look
at it for more than a few minutes without a guaranteed
That all said, I made do with what I had. During study hall, I'd
often sneak over to the bank of a few Apple IIs in the library and
play The Bard's Tale. Back then, personal computers were still a
novelty and no one really cared what you did with them, and even
fewer understood, so you could get away with playing games in study
hall as long as they were relatively quiet.
The Bard's Tale was typical role-playing fare for the time. Like
most such games, they felt requiring you to keep a pencil and graph
paper handy was part of the fun. I hated mapping mazes, but loved
the game otherwise.
Here's a walkthrough video of the version I used to play
on the Apple II.
#18 Pool of Radiance - Commodore 64

One of the original gold box AD&D games, this was a ton of
fun and you didn't have to kiss the DM's butt to make sure you
survived the day :)
Here's a video of the gameplay. You'll see that this,
except for combat, is very much cut from the same mold as the
Bard's Tale. This was pretty much the standard format for all the
early map/combat-focused turn-based games. IOW, anything based on
AD&D generally looked like this.
I had a number of gold
box and official AD&D games including this, Curse of the
Azure Bonds, Eye of the Beholder etc.
Like lots of nerdy teens of the day, I started, but never
completed, my own version of games like this and Bard's Tale using
Commodore 64 Basic.
#17 Wolfenstein 3d - PC/DOS

For most people, this game really started the FPS craze. Sure,
the 3D was pretty primitive, but it worked on some really old
hardware in a time before 3d hardware acceleration was the norm. It
performed really well on even modest hardware, with lower
capability machines displaying the game in a smaller window.
Rated PC-13 for "Profound Carnage". Achtung! I don't recall if I
ever finished this game, but it sure was fun to play.
VESA local bus , anyone?
Here's a video of the game.
#16 Times of Lore - Commodore 64

Often called "Ultima Lite", this was a really fun game. The
music was good, the gameplay was simple, and the graphics were
decent. I had a lot of fun playing this on my Commodore 128 at
The music is interesting enough that it inspired several remixes
on http://remix.kwed.org
There are no videos of the commodore version on youtube, but I
did find the (IMHO, inferior) NES version here.
#15 Syndicate - PC/DOS

Gauss gun anyone?
This game was great for making violence really fun. Seriously,
sometimes you just had to go in and waste a whole bunch of people
to do your job, and have fun doing it. The ambient music was
simple, but really worked (for adlib/soundblaster-compatible
music). The sound effects were original and interesting. The
gameplay was easy and fun. Plus, I've always been a sucker for
isometric games.
Great video walkthrough here.
#14 Ultima IV - Commodore 64

(screenshot from youtube)
This was one of a number of C64 games I actually owned originals
of (instead of ones with interesting cracktros). I remember it came
with a cloth map and some other feelies in a rather sturdy two piece box.
Ultima got me interested in Adventure Construction Set which
allowed you to create your own Ultima-style games.
#13 Impossible Mission - Commodore 64

Another Visitor. Stay a While. Stay
That was the first time I heard a computer talk. I later had a
Stephen Hawking-sounding text to speech engine running on my
Commodore 128, but to have a personal computer talk to you was a
pretty cool thing for the time. I used to play this during recess
in 7th grade (yep, they had recess for that age back then) in the
Jr High computer lab.
I never finished this game, and didn't have a manual (few of us
actually bought our games back then, instead we relied on boxes of
cheap 5 1/4" floppies and that wonderful pink cracking disk)
Bzzzzzt Bzzzzt
If you still need more cowbell, check out the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP port of this classic
game. Love the updated graphics (it even includes a classic
mode with graphics like the original, if you prefer)
#12 7 Cities of Gold - Commodore 64

In 7th grade, 3 years before I got the Commodore 128 at home, I
used to just turn this game on and stare at the opening screen
(with the feather pen writing out the title) both because I was
amazed at the graphics at the time, but more importantly, I was
stunned by the music (link includes a full game session
recorded, including the opening music - oh, and he could have taken
a trading approach instead of attacking all the villages. heh).
Thinking back to it now, the music was hardly amazing for SID
music, but this was one of the first C64 games I played that had a
real soundtrack.
I also loved the gameplay. The random (or historical) maps
encouraged exploration. The gameplay itself was fairly simple and
easily understood. When you finally did find a hidden city (which
was rare to do) you were well rewarded.
A classic that will always remain on my list of influential and
enjoyable games.
#11 Pitfall II: Lost Caverns - Commodore 64

The original Pitfall was a very popular, but pretty (IMHO)
boring game. I had it on the Atari 2600 and a version that came
with Gary
Kitchen's GameMaker on the C64. Pitfall II was a much more
complex game, with a pretty large map for a platformer. It was a
great sequel to the first, and a game I had a ton of fun playing.
The music wasn't bad for the time either, being keyed to
mood/events in the game.
Watch out for the bats!
#10 Doom - PC/DOS

Doom took the idea of Wolfenstein 3d and kicked it up a few
notches. The levels were truly 3d, not just a flat single-level
maze. Plus, the carnage and sound effects were even better. This
easily goes down as the FPS that got me interested in FPS.
Unless you lived it, it's hard to look back and realize just how
important Doom was to gaming as we now know it. Back then,
First-Person Shooters were very rare and relatively
unsophisticated. Most games were platformers or other variations on
2d rendering. There were some 3d games and some simulaters, but
nothing like Doom.
#9 Lemmings - PC/DOS

I like puzzle-type games, and Lemmings is one of the kings of
puzzle games.
I never made it through all the levels (some of those higher
levels are just really difficult!), but I loved what I did play. I
always enjoyed the puzzle-solving aspect of this game. I was never
much of a fan of the timed nature, but I guess it wouldn't be very
challenging if you had all the time in the world :)
I've played various versions of lemmings and on a couple
platforms. It's a great game that inspired some pretty good knockoffs.
#8 Crash Nitro Cart - Original Xbox

(screenshot from http://nitrokart.crashbandicoot.com/
This is a game my wife and I used to play all the time, and
recently, it's a game my 2 year old tries to play with me
It's pretty standard racing fare, but we all found it really
enjoyable. It's the kind of game you and a friend can pick up and
play without any fuss.
#7 Diablo / Diablo II - PC / Windows

As I mentioned, I'm a sucker for isometric games. Diablo is one
of the best Isometric RPGs out there, second only to Nox, IMHO.
Diablo had good music, tons of violence, a fairly original
backstory, great graphics and easy gameplay.
In many ways, I wish Isometric games would not have been
relegated to just RTS, as I'm not a fan of strategy. There's
something about the gameplay and the pre-rendered graphics that
just provide a much slicker feel than many 3d games on 10 times as
much hardware.
#6 Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee - Original Playstation

One of my all time favorite platformers. I was never into Mario
and the class platform games, but the graphics, sounds, very
original story, and challenging gameplay in this game kept me
hooked for some time.
The 3d follow-up to this series was good, but just didn't have
with the original platformers did. Great stuff.
#5 LPMud
no screenshot.
I spent just about every waking hour at my first college playing
MUDs (Multi User Domain or Multi User Dungeon, depending on who you
ask) online, at a time when the internet had no browsers and was
still primarily reserved for education and research.
Of course, that's why that college was my first college, and not
the one I graduated from :)
Text-based MUDding was the precursor to today's MMORPGs. Back
then, on the larger servers, you'd have so many people in a room
that you had to do your best to get past the lag and the screen
spam. I used to sneak time on the Sun Workstations in the computer
lab late at night, when even the grad students were away, as I
could scroll the screen buffer and play multiple characters in
multiple windows - something you couldn't do on the VT220s in the
rest of the lab.
One of the great things about MUDs was that if you were at a
certain level, you could add to the MUD code and/or map yourself.
You could add rooms, script using LPC, add traps, treasure, mobs,
anything you'd like. It was both creative and fun.
While I no longer MUD, and won't get involved in the MMORPGS we
have today, MUDs left a lasting impression on me.
#4 Nox - PC / Windows

This rates as one of my all-time favorite games. The graphics
were perfect - I loved the 45 degree isometric view and the great
character animation. The isometric projection in this game was more
severe than Diablog and other isometric games, and really gave it a
unique feel. The line of site / fog of war, and particle effects
were equally well executed.
Back when this came out, I got permission to purchase something
like 10 copies of this for folks at work, and to repurpose an old
machine as a dedicated game server. We used to have capture the
flag and deathmatch duels afterhours in the office. Sadly, around
that time clients started insisting staff industry-wide work
on-site rather than from consulting offices, so the after-hours
game fests fizzled out.
This is one of the few games I played through multiple times. I
played through to the end with all the character classes (the
gameplay was different) and then also played the multi-player
versions in the office.
Here's a video of multiplayer gameplay. Folks are using
golems in there to just squish people :)
Here's the trailer for NOX. The music in the trailer is
the music from the game.
Nox was truly an awesome game, and IMHO, still holds up 8 years
later. I also really liked Diablo and Diablo II, but they just
didn't quite match up to Nox, IMHO.
Sadly, Westwood was acquired by EA and then killed off, so it's
unlikely we'll ever see a sequel.
#3 Starcross and Suspended (and Zork and others from Infocom) -
Commodore 64

When I was in sixth grade, I used to read "Choose your own
Adventure" books. Those D&D books had things in it like "do you
attack, if so, turn to page 50, otherwise turn to page 75". In
effect, they were the first text adventures I played. It wasn't
until several years later, though, that I discovered Infocom.
It's pitch black. You're likely to be eaten by a
My first experience with computer text adventures (before I
played Monster, Adventure (Fortran!) and eventually the MUDs) was
with Infocom games. My favorite of those was Starcross. It came in
a dual boxed set with Suspended, another awesome Infocom game.
Infocom games had a very sophisticated parser and a
cross-platform virtual machine on which they ran. The people who
wrote the stories were bright, creative, and thorough. The games
were difficult, sometimes to the point of frustration.
The best thing about these games, though was like a good book,
the world existed in your head and your imagination. The
descriptions of places were well-written, but you still had to
build up your vision of the world yourself.
These days, there are Infocom Z-machine virtual machine ports
available for a number of platforms. If you have never played an
Infocom game, I recommend starting with Zork and giving it a shot.
You might find it a welcome respite from the hypergraphical games
we have now.
#2 7th Guest - PC/DOS CD

Here's a recorded walkthrough that gives you
the back story for the game, but doesn't get much into the
gameplay. This one is a walkthrough of the game itself,
the atmosphere, the awesome music and just the overall darkness of
it all. (The intro music was really distorted in the YouTube video,
but not so in the game)
Back when the MPC (Multimedia PC) was "the thing", and we all
cranked up our 1x and 2x CD ROMS to full speed to try out the
latest stuff, 7th Guest came out for DOS PCs. Yes, there was a time
when having an optical disk drive was a luxury and something many
folks saw no need for. Two things changed that: 1. release of large
programs like MS Office and Borland C++ on CD instead of 30 disks,
and 2. the popularity of games and other MPC compatible
applications that combined music, video and graphics.
The 7th Guest is a game you love to hate. Stauff mocks you
throughout the game in a way that really adds to the play. The
pre-rendered graphics were great for the day, and are still pretty
good. The world was not a 3d environment where you could go
anywhere you pleased, however. The views were set, and the
transitions between the views were pre-rendered as video.
One thing that really set 7th Guest apart (besides the
spectacular puzzles indicated by the pulsating brain) was the use
of superimposed video. In certain parts of the game, you'll get
additional clues by watching a video of the folks who attended the
party either fighting, having a discussion, or doing something
sinister. It really worked well here, and I don't recall seeing
that used in any game before this one.
You can still find some of the music from the game online and on
CD from the Fat
Man and Team Fat.
The 11th Hour (the sequel to this game) was also a great play,
but it didn't have quite the impact of the following that this game
#1 Myst - Windows 3.1

I also really enjoyed Riven, but Myst was the first.
This is almost a tie with the #2 game, 7th Guest. While 7th
Guest had great puzzles, good music (by the FatMan and Team Fat),
and that awesome mocking and taunting throughout the game, Myst had
more ambiance and sharper graphics. Of course, the graphics in Myst
were all pre-rendered and without as much in the way of transition.
RealMyst, which came out years later, attempted to take the Myst
world and allow you to explore it using real-time 3d rendering like
most other games. It just didn't have that sharpness or punch that
the original Myst had, though.
Many people consider King's Quest and similar to be the pinnacle
of adventure games. For me, it was Myst. It allowed me to work at
my own pace, had incredible graphics, great music, and
well-thought-out puzzles. Many have tried to copy Myst's success,
but have failed on getting the whole combination to work.
Myst is one of those games that probably has very little code.
If you look at what you can do in the game, it's all design and
music, with some hotspots on the screen. While the earliest games
were all code and little design, designed and written by
programmers, Myst brings us full circle and once again helps point
out that "design is king"
That's It
So that's my list. I'm sure I missed some games that I liked but
have since forgotten, and I didn't even get into the coin-op stuff
we used to do. There were tons of others that I really liked (like
Wing Commander, X-Wing, Eye of the Beholder, Dig Dug, Telengard,
Breakdance, Pac Man, Bruce Lee, Gauntlet, Blue Max, Below the Root,
Marble Madness, QBert, Sim City, Archon, Defender of the Crown,
Summer Games, Zaxxon, Sacred, Dungeon Seige, Rogue/NetHack...) but
I had to stop this post someplace :) Here's a great video showing a bunch of the old C64
games with some awesome SID music in the background.
Any classics that made a real impression on you?