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Xap! App! Pow! Packaging and Application Startup in Silverlight 2 Beta 1 - Part 2

Pete Brown - 05 March 2008

In Part 1, I discussed the new Silverlight 2 packaging model (xap). In Part 2 below, I cover the new application model and startup sequence, as well as how to show your own splash screen while loading your Silverlight app.

Keep in mind that since this is Beta technology, anything you see here is subject to change.

Application Model and Startup

In Silverlight 1.1, the first places you could run managed user code were in the page constructor (which usually didn't contain anything overly interesting) and the Loaded event for the main page.

Note that unlike Silverlight 1.0 and 1.1a, the entry point in Silverlight 2 applications is no longer a XAML file - it is an Application object. Inside the application object, you decide which XAML file to load and how to start.

The key bit of code is the this.RootVisual property set code below. You can easily change this to load a different Page based on parameters passed into the application, or other external configuration information (a call to a service to return personalization information, for example). Note, however, that the set is a one-time operation. Once you set the RootVisual, you cannot change it again. Any additional page changes would be handled by using UserControls much as you did in Silverlight 1.1a.

public partial class App : Application

    public App()
        this.Startup += this.OnStartup;
        this.Exit += this.OnExit;


    private void OnStartup(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Load the main control
        this.RootVisual = new Page();

    private void OnExit(object sender, EventArgs e)


Startup Flow

In a previous article, I described the 1.0/1.1 load process. Since that no longer applies, here's an updated version of the flowchart. Note that this doesn't include the DLR steps.

Silverlight 2.0 Load Process 

Showing a Custom Splash/Loading Screen

Showing a splash screen in Silverlight 2 Beta 1 is much easier than it was in 1.1 alpha. All the goo about shifting from an unmanaged to a managed root element is all handled for you. You can still handle much more complex pre-loader scenarios from code, but this is the way to handle the initial loading splash screen.

You can now create a loader XAML, and any associated unmanaged JavaScript, and set that as your startup using the splashscreensource property:

function createSilverlight()
        source: "MyApplication.xap",
        id: "SilverlightControl",
        properties: {
            width: "100%",
            height: "100%",
            version: "2.0",
            enableHtmlAccess: "true",
            splashscreensource: "SplashScreen.xaml"
        events: {
            /* onSourceDownloadComplete:'onSourceDownloadComplete' */

function onSourceDownloadProgressChanged(sender, eventArgs)
    sender.findName("progress").Text = "Downloading: " +
    Math.round((eventArgs.progress * 100)) + "%";

I suspect that splash screen approach may change after Beta 1, so use this only as informational for now.

There's a ton to talk about in Silverlight 2, but I hope this got you started in an understanding of how applications are deployed and started, and whet your appetite for more. :)

posted by Pete Brown on Wednesday, March 5, 2008
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2 comments for “Xap! App! Pow! Packaging and Application Startup in Silverlight 2 Beta 1 - Part 2”

  1. Maxim Fridentalsays:
    Hi Pete!

    Is it possible to programmatically load XAP from Silverlight? I'm trying to implement a scenario, when you have a silverlight application on domain B.com and you want to reference another silverlight page (or UserControl) hosted on A.com in an IFRAME manner. That is, you don't have the A.com control so you cannot reference it in your B.com application directly.
  2. Parimalsays:
    The above Splash screen approach is not working in the Beta 2 release. In Beta1 it was working fine. Now we get the below error:
    The splashScreenSource cannot be set because the Silverlight host already has a splashScreenSource."


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4 trackbacks for “Xap! App! Pow! Packaging and Application Startup in Silverlight 2 Beta 1 - Part 2”

  1. Daily Bits - March 6, 2008 | Alvin Ashcraft's Daily Geek Bitssays:
    PingBack from http://www.alvinashcraft.com/2008/03/06/daily-bits-march-6-2008/
  2. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    How paths are resolved in Silverlight 2 can be somewhat confusing. This has come up a lot in the Silverlight.net
  3. POKE 53280,0: Pete Brown's Blogsays:
    If you read my article on xap and saw the bit about how to set the splash/loading screen for your silverlight
  4. geekSpeaksays:
    Here is some follow up information from Cal Schrotenboer's webcast on Silverlight animation . Cal provided